
HealthBulance Services Inc.

Non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) services help people get pre-scheduled healthcare appointments, including doctor visits, rehab, clinical testing, follow-up exams, and more. In other words, the main difference between ambulance services and non-emergency medical transportation is urgency. When one dials 911 and calls for a medical emergency, an ambulance arrives. Non-emergency medical transportation, as its name suggests, offers medical transportation in non-emergency situations. In most cases, this form of transportation is planned for and booked in advance. On the other hand, the need for an ambulance is almost always unplanned.

It is also designed for transporting seniors to various appointments, to meetings or to participate in social activities is considered as another market for the non-emergency medical transportation business. There are seniors who no longer drive a vehicle and this type of transportation service would come in handy for a trip to pick up groceries, a visit with a friend or to attend church or a movie theater. It is a rewarding business opportunity that provides a valuable link to many seniors.

In addition, the demand for safe and reliable public transportation for people with medical issues and disabilities, particularly in rural communities, continues to grow remarkably. The overall population of elderly and disabled patients is increasing, and most areas simply do not have wheelchair-accessible vehicles in public transportation fleets. Some individuals do not have cars and cannot afford taxis or Uber. They are geographically isolated, or they cannot access traditional public transportation for physical, mental, or developmental reasons.

Contact us

Address: Unit 04, 7181 Yong Street, Thornhill, Ontario L3T 0C7

Tel: 416.333.3356

News and Assay

  • PAHO Org: more ...

    PAHO report highlights urgent need to improve access to health for migrant populations in the Darien Region

    Washington D.C. 15 October 2024 (PAHO) – A report launched today by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) documents main challenges faced by migrants in the Darien region and calls on countries of the Americas to work together to strengthen disease surveillance and improve policies and programs to ensure migrant health. The new report,… 10/16/2024 1:06:13 AM
  • WHO Org: more ...

    Qatar-WHO partnership leaves legacy for safer, healthier mega-sporting events

    Capturing and building on the experiences of the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022, the State of Qatar and World Health Organization today launched a new report providing lessons learned and recommendations for staging healthy and safe mega and grassroots sporting events around the world. 10/16/2024 1:06:11 AM
  • WHO Org: more ...

    Attacks on hospitals and health workers jeopardize provision of health in Lebanon

    Since the escalation of hostilities between Israel and Lebanon on 17 September 2024, WHO has verified 23 attacks on health care in Lebanon that have led to 72 deaths and 43 injuries among health workers and patients. Fifteen incidents impacted health facilities, while 13 impacted health transport. Hospitals in Lebanon are already under massive strain as they strive to sustain essential health services while dealing with an unprecedented influx of injured people. Understaffed and under-resourced, the health system has been struggling to maintain uninterrupted services to all those in need with supplies being depleted and health workers exhausted. 10/16/2024 1:06:11 AM
  • Harvard Health: more ...

    Color-changing eye drops: Are they safe?

    Eye drops that claim to change a person's eye color are being promoted online, and the ability to do this may sound tempting. But are these products safe? The answer is a hard no according to the American Academy of Opthalmology. 10/15/2024 12:00:00 AM
  • WHO Org: more ...

    US$ 1 billion in new and reaffirmed funding commitments announced for WHO’s ongoing Investment Round

    In a powerful demonstration of high-level support, the World Health Organization (WHO) today received nearly US$ 700 million in new funding commitments from European countries, foundations and others, and another US$ 300 million in reaffirmed commitments. 10/15/2024 2:06:31 AM
  • WHO Org: more ...

    WHO Youth Council releases bold call for a healthier world

    The WHO Youth Council has launched its first Youth Declaration on Creating Healthy Societies, with a range of calls to action informed and developed by young people from around the world and geared towards empowering youth to play a central role in creating healthier and safer societies for all. 10/14/2024 8:06:36 PM
  • WHO Org: more ...

    Second round of polio vaccination in the Gaza Strip aims to vaccinate over half a million children

    The second round of an emergency polio vaccination campaign is scheduled to start on 14 October 2024 in Gaza, to vaccinate an estimated 591 700 children under ten years of age with a second dose of the novel oral polio vaccine type 2 (nOPV2) vaccine. 10/12/2024 2:27:33 AM
  • Harvard Health: more ...

    Harvard Health Ad Watch: Got side effects? There's a medicine for that

    Tardive dyskinesia (TD) is a condition marked by involuntary movements of the face or limbs, caused by long-term use of certain drugs, many of which are for mental health conditions. An ad for a once-daily drug to treat TD leaves some important questions unanswered. 10/11/2024 12:00:00 AM
  • PAHO Org: more ...

    Better use of vaccines could reduce antibiotic use by 2.5 billion doses annually, says WHO

    More in investment in vaccines could avert deaths due to antimicrobial resistance, reduce antibiotic use and save money treating resistant infectionsGeneva, 10 October 2024 — A new report by the World Health Organization (WHO) finds that vaccines against 24 pathogens could reduce the number of antibiotics needed by 22% or 2.5 billion defined daily… 10/11/2024 12:11:44 AM
  • PAHO Org: more ...

    In record year of dengue cases, PAHO urges countries to strengthen response as seasonal transmission set to begin in South America

    Washington, DC, October 8, 2024 (PAHO) — In an epidemiological alert this week, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) urged countries in the Americas to strengthen their dengue response plans as cases continue to rise across the region. With 2024 marking a record number of dengue cases and transmission season beginning in South America, PAHO… 10/10/2024 6:12:00 PM
  • WHO Org: more ...

    Better use of vaccines could reduce antibiotic use by 2.5 billion doses annually, says WHO

    A new report by the World Health Organization (WHO) finds that vaccines against 24 pathogens could reduce the number of antibiotics needed by 22% or 2.5 billion defined daily doses globally every year, supporting worldwide efforts to address antimicrobial resistance (AMR). While some of these vaccines are already available but underused, others would need to be developed and brought to the market as soon as possible. 10/10/2024 6:11:59 PM
  • PAHO Org: more ...

    PAHO reviews the status of CLP/WR to strengthen maternal and neonatal health in the Americas

    Washington DC, 3 October 2024 (PAHO)- The 61st Directing Council of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) urged countries to renew focus on women's, maternal, neonatal and reproductive health based on the Primary Health Strategy, and approved the closure of the Latin American Center for Perinatology - Women's and Reproductive Health (CLP… 10/8/2024 2:11:54 AM
  • PAHO Org: more ...

    PAHO Member States approve strategy to enhance early detection of health threats

    Washington, D.C., October 3, 2024 (PAHO) – A new strategy approved today by the 61st Directing Council of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) seeks to strengthen epidemiological intelligence in the countries of the Americas to detect public health threats early.“The timely identification of threats is key to rapidly implement measures to… 10/8/2024 2:11:54 AM
  • WHO Org: more ...

    WHO adds an HPV vaccine for single-dose use

    WHO announced that a fourth WHO-prequalified human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine product, Cecolin® has been confirmed for use in a single-dose schedule. The decision is made based on new data on the product that fulfilled the criteria set out in the WHO’s 2022 recommendations for alternative, off-label use of HPV vaccines in single-dose schedules. This important milestone will contribute to improving sustainable supply of HPV vaccines—allowing more girls to be reached with the vaccines that prevent cervical cancer. 10/8/2024 2:11:52 AM
  • PAHO Org: more ...

    PAHO concludes 61st Directing Council with strategic agreements

    Washington, D.C., October 4, 2024 (PAHO) – The 61st Directing Council of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) concluded today, marking a clear path forward for the future of health in the Americas. Over five days, high-level representatives from countries and territories debated, agreed upon, and committed to addressing key challenges… 10/8/2024 2:11:54 AM
  • PAHO Org: more ...

    Telehealth key to accelerating equitable access to health in the Americas

    Washington D.C. 3 October 2024 (PAHO/WHO) – High level representatives from ministries of health of the Americas, experts from the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and partner organizations met this week to share their experiences implementing telehealth in a bid to accelerate equitable access to health care, particularly for vulnerable and… 10/8/2024 2:11:54 AM
  • PAHO Org: more ...

    Countries of the Americas agree to improve integrated surgical, intensive, and emergency care

    Washington, D.C., 3 2024 – During the 61st Directing Council of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), health ministers approved a new strategy today to improve access, quality, and safety of integrated emergency, critical, and operative care (IECO) in the Region of the Americas.“Integrated emergency,… 10/8/2024 2:11:54 AM
  • PAHO Org: more ...

    Countries of the Americas agree on new strategy to strengthen tobacco control

    Washington, DC, October 3, 2024 (PAHO) – During the 61st Directing Council of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), high-level health authorities approved a new strategy aimed at enhancing tobacco control in the region. This initiative seeks to bolster efforts against smoking while addressing emerging challenges, such as the rising use… 10/8/2024 2:11:54 AM
  • WHO Org: more ...

    Statement of the WHO Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety (GACVS) on the safety of the mpox vaccines for use in high-risk groups

    In July 2022, WHO Director-General declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) in response to a multi-country outbreak of mpox that was rapidly spreading, mainly through sexual contact, in countries where it had not previously been detected. This PHEIC was lifted in May 2023 following a sustained global decline in cases. The emergence of the new Clade Ib and a resurgence of mpox cases in the African region led to the WHO declaration of a PHEIC again on 14 August 2024. The current outbreak in affected African countries also includes other high-risk groups such as pregnant women and children under the age of 18 years, including infants. 10/8/2024 2:11:52 AM
  • PAHO Org: more ...

    PAHO and OTCA sign agreement to promote health and sustainable development in the Amazon region

    Washington D.C. 3 October (2024) – The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (OTCA) today signed an agreement to continue to collaborate in strengthening the health of Indigenous Peoples in the Amazon.The agreement follows seven years of cooperation between the two Organizations and will focus on… 10/8/2024 2:11:54 AM
  • WHO Org: more ...

    Types of data requested to inform December 2024 COVID-19 vaccine antigen composition deliberations

    The WHO Technical Advisory Group on COVID-19 Vaccine Composition (TAG-CO-VAC) continues to closely monitor the genetic and antigenic evolution of SARS-CoV-2 variants, immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 vaccination, and the performance of COVID-19 vaccines against circulating variants. Based on these evaluations, WHO advises vaccine manufacturers and regulatory authorities on the implications for future updates to COVID-19 vaccine antigen composition. The next decision-making meeting of the TAG-CO-VAC is scheduled for mid-December 2024, after which a statement on COVID-19 vaccine antigen composition and an accompanying data annex will be published on the WHO website. 10/8/2024 2:11:52 AM
  • WHO Org: more ...

    WHO approves first mpox diagnostic test for emergency use, boosting global access

    The World Health Organization (WHO) has listed the first mpox in vitro diagnostic (IVD) under its Emergency Use Listing (EUL) procedure, an important step in improving global access to mpox testing. The approval for emergency use of the Alinity m MPXV assay, manufactured by Abbott Molecular Inc., will be pivotal in expanding diagnostic capacity in countries facing mpox outbreaks, where the need for quick and accurate testing has risen sharply. Early diagnosis of mpox enables timely treatment and care, and control of the virus. 10/8/2024 2:11:52 AM
  • GlobalNews: more ...

    Health-care support worker strike likely, union president says

    Union president Kyle Ross says Manitoba's health-care support workers are far from a contract agreement with health authorities and the wages are a sticking point in the talks. 10/8/2024 2:14:27 AM
  • Harvard Health: more ...

    Evoking calm: Practicing mindfulness in daily life helps

    It's easy to feel too busy to be mindful, but everyone can find a few minutes during the day to pause and reflect. Even a brief, regular mindfulness practice provides a respite from the pace and stress of life, and can help with memory, concentration, and focus. 10/1/2024 12:00:00 AM
  • Harvard Health: more ...

    Does your child need to bathe every day?

    Bathing daily is a habit for many people, but does it need to be for children, preteens, and teens? Not necessarily. Of course, it depends on what they have been doing and whether or not they are visibly dirty or stinky, but most don't need a top-to-toe daily scrub. 9/11/2024 12:00:00 AM